Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daily Reflection

A. A. is more than a set of principles; it is a society of
alcoholics in action. We must carry the message, else we
ourselves can wither and those who haven't been given the
truth may die.
I desperately wanted to live, but if I was to succeed, I had to
become active in our God-given program. I joined what
became my group, where I opened the hall, made coffee,
and cleaned up. I had been sober about three months when
an oldtimer told me I was doing Twelfth-Step work. What a
satisfying realization that was! I felt I was really
accomplishing something. God had given me a second
chance, A.A. had shown me the way, and these gifts were
not only free—they were also priceless! Now the joy of
seeing newcomers grow reminds me of where I have come
from, where I am now, and the limitless possibilities that he
ahead. I need to attend meetings because they recharge my
batteries so that I have light when it's needed. I'm still a
beginner in service work, but already I am receiving more
than I'm giving. I can't keep it unless I give it away. I am
responsible when another reaches out for help. I want to be

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